Saturday, 11 May 2013

We got wet!

Rained all the way into Bordeaux from Talmont but had to keep going as had booked in to Ducati Bordeux for the 1000km service. Dried out in the hotel and then
filled in a couple of hours in the showroom waiting for '1 mille revision' of bike.

Heading to Spain next so no more Chocolate Eclairs for a few days.


  1. Hi Ron you look very happy next to Ducati 1198 I think you should work on bringing one home as well what you think ! trip sounds great check out may give you some ideas for the future. PW

  2. haha, that hotel room will smell like a wet dog by the morning! Hopefully Spain doesn't rain too much for you...happy mothers day mum!

  3. No matter where you are in the world, guys gather around bikes and talk...
